Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Cleaning and cattle

Today I cleaned and scrubbed the water trough in the corral.  This is the third time I've cleaned it this year.  Normally I clean the trough in the Spring and again at the end of the year.  The horses get the water dirtier than when cattle use it.  Not only do the horses drink from it, they also use the water to rinse their mouths.  They stand over the trough letting the green water from their mouth fall back into the trough.  *sigh*

So I cleaned the trough again today.

Here is how the trough looks clean.  Take a good look because it won't last long looking so clean.

Another heifer is in heat and has got it bad.  Lots of looking across the road at the neighbor's cattle.  Lots of wandering around the pasture. Lots of restlessness. The rest of the herd is starting to wise up to these horny heifers.  They don't always follow the heifer in heat around, but still they do more walking and running than usual.

This afternoon the herd took their siesta from the hot sun in the shade of a tree.  The heifer in heat laid out in the sun away from the herd.

I don't know if it is because the heifers are getting older and more mature as it seems that the larger heifers are the ones most affected by going into heat, or if the recent hot weather is intensifying their monthly cycle, but the heifers never have been so crazy in "love" until this past week.

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