Sunday, October 24, 2010

Futile painting

Late Saturday afternoon I decided to 'go for it' and painted my windmill's blades red.  I say 'go for it' as the temperature was in the 40s, it was 6 pm, and the forecast was for rain on Sunday.

The paint can's label said the paint would dry in four hours when the temperature was 35 degrees.

I can do it.

I painted the windmill's blades and still had time to paint one of my rain gutters' downspouts.

I woke up Sunday morning to a light rain/drizzle.

The windmill's blades were again silver as the paint had washed off.  Some of the pretty rocks beneath the windmill were red and/or pink and I had to scrub the paint off them this morning.  I picked up the downspout from where I left it under the patio overnight to dry and found the paint to be wet.


At least the downspout was under the patio and the rain hadn't washed the paint off.   Now if it would only dry.  And the rain to stop as I have projects to complete before winter arrives.

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