Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday and movies

I didn't get up early for the Black Friday sales.  In fact I barely made the 11 am cutoff for a couple of the early "early bird" sales.  I had only one item in mind and that store had an all day sale so I made the Army/Navy Surplus store my last stop.

The one item... a pair of gaiters.  Here is a link to the company's web site with the gaiters I bought.  The ones I bought are all black as no other color choices were available at the store.  I hemmed and hawed at getting this style as the store had another style by the same company which was cheaper.  But I decided to get the fancier version as it seemed more durable.  I plan to use the gaiters when cross country skiing and snowshoeing this winter, though they also would come in handy if I end up bushwhacking through heavy brush like I did to the Heaven's Peak lookout.

Overall it seemed like less people were out and about, and they didn't seem as manic as in other years, but since I went to the stores later it was hard to compare the crowds to other years.

Oh, there was one other item I was interested in getting if it was still available.  That was a DVD copy of the movie, "Across the Universe".  I like the music by The Beatles and this movie is an imaginative story using a number of The Beatles' songs.  I bought the last copy Best Buy had.

I also picked up a copy of "The Dark Knight" and "The Princess Bride".  Ying and yang, male and female style of movies.

Other than getting some tools on sale at Ace Hardware, that was it for my Black Friday shopping.  I don't want or need much.

All that shopping must have worn me out as that evening after watching the movie, "Coraline", I quickly fell asleep.  And that was a few hours before I normally go to sleep.

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