Friday, February 27, 2009

Odds and ends

Diet before pregnancy can affect baby's sex. Also, eating bananas increases the odds of having a boy.,-new-research-suggests.html

Link Between Psychological Stress and Overeating: socially subordinate female rhesus macaques over consume calorie-rich foods at a significantly higher level than do dominant females.

"Great tits cope well with global warming, though British tits were found to be better adjusted than Dutch tits." Sadly, the story isn't about what a guy would like to think it was about. Link to the BBC story.

Cat urine makes mice macho, helping lure female mice as female mice prefer aggressive males. Click here for the story.

Cleaner air may threaten Amazon rainforest by causing a drought in the southern hemisphere. Link to Washington Post story.

According to Harpers magazine...

Amount that the IRS has spent since 2006 on an outsourced program to collect unpaid taxes: $87,000,000

Amount the contractors have collected during that time: $50,000,000
(Source: National Taxpayer Advocate (Washington))

From how the news media covers global warming these days you'd think the following statistic would be an increase instead of a decrease.

Change since 2001 in the percentage of Americans who believe humans are causing climate change: –4

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