Sunday, February 22, 2009

Back in Montana

Short post to let you all know I am back home in Montana. The train was 50 minutes late into Minot and over an hour late into Whitefish.

I am still trying to get back into a routine here. Yesterday I got my mail and found I had gotten the check to repair my damaged fence (remember the semi truck accident in January?).

I still have not gotten the rebate for getting a digital tuner for the TV conversion. Where is it?! Fortunately none of the TV stations switched to digital. Yay!, as my TV is a large console TV from the early 1980s and definitely not digital ready. (No worries of anyone ever stealing my TV!)

Saturday I visited Bill and Marilyn in the hospital. Bill was sleeping as he had surgery in the morning to remove his feeding tube from his throat and one inserted in his side - from what I understand. Not a good situation. Poor Bill.

In the evening I had a rare headache. My cure for a headache is to take a short nap and I lay down by my warm wood stove. Three hours later I woke up and went to bed. I slept for 13 hours total. I was surprised as I thought I had gotten a good night's sleep my first night home.

And now tonight I am tired. I must still must be on North Dakota Central time. I feel asleep watching the behind the scenes documentary of a movie I was watching, "The Sweet Hereafter".

So time for bed.

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