Saturday, April 05, 2008

Home Health visits ended

Mom is doing much better at home than when she was in Manor Care rehab/nursing home. She has been home 3 weeks as of this past Thursday. My, how time has flown by!!

Her Home Health nurse/therapist visits ended yesterday after 3 weeks. They all were delighted and surprised at mom's progress. Yesterday I stopped by the Home Health office to get some papers and people there who hadn't met me or mom all commented they had heard how well mom has done over the past three weeks.

Mom should have left the rehab facility much earlier and maybe I would be in Montana by now. I can list a number of things/procedures I was unhappy with concerning the rehab facility and felt slowed mom's recovery down, but that's in the past.

This morning mom surprised me at how well she stood and walked. The best since early January.

Mom still have not gotten her power wheelchair as it has been taking her doctor a long time to fill out the Medicare paperwork.

All this is not to say mom doesn't have more work ahead of her in her recovery. Her spinal stenois is causing her pain, especially in the mornings. Some mornings are worse/slower than others.

We have a busy upcoming week:
  • orthopedic doctor visit
  • nutritionist visit because of diabetes
  • visit to pain clinic
  • blood work to check BMP levels and minerals (as Lasix can take minerals out with all the fluid)
Having the power wheelchair to get around would be so much nicer as mom's temporary loaner wheelchair has a bad bearing in one wheel and can be hard to turn.

Also I found out mom has Medigap policy I. This pays for at-home recovery non-Medicare visits. I know, a mouthful - but this is government bureaucracy. This will pay for a bath aide to come in to help mom bathe. Now to find a bath aide. The Home Health agency - which mainly handles Medicare reimbursed visits - charges $100 hour/visit. They are good - but not that good, especially if used just for a bath aide.

I also got meal-on-wheels started to deliver a hot meal each day. This will help ensure mom eats right when I am gone as my brother doesn't cook.

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