Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Corral fence gate post

Another rainy day. What's new? Naturally when I was running errands uptown in the morning it didn't rain; but instead waited until I returned home. So I fired up the wood stove on a cool damp day and worked on my photos from the Dawson-Pitamakan hike.

Mid afternoon it mainly quit raining and there was only an occasionally quick drizzle. I finished another project on my to-do list. I added another post to my little fence gate between my corral and the hayfield. In the year since I rebuilt that section of the corral fence, the fence pulled slightly away from the gate and its latch. When the cattle came through the gate they also contributed to "widening" the gate area.

My gate is a hybrid. It is a metal gate attached to wood fence posts. I added a new wood post and wired it to the existing post to strengthen that side of the gate.

As the post was too wide for the U shaped latch, I trimmed the post narrower where the latch went.

Ta da! Not that exciting, but some things need to be done in order to have a strong fence for my cattle next year.

1 comment:

Ali said...

very interested site and thank you!!