Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pocket gophers

I have started to catch pocket gophers again. Last week I noticed a mound of fresh dirt in the northern hayfield, where I had cleared the gophers last year. I set out a trap and caught a pocket gopher the next day. My first one of the year.

I moved the trap and caught a second pocket gopher the following day.

I got out the rest of my pocket gopher traps (6 total) and walked the hayfield looking for new dirt mounds. By the time I set the last trap I was nearing the area where I had quit trapping the pocket gophers last Fall. I think the pocket gophers are still in the "family" mode and the males haven't moved out yet to start their new homes and new mounds of dirt.

I haven't been able to check to see if I trapped any more pocket gophers as Sunday and Monday were rainy days.

I have trapped 14 regular gophers. This is going slower than last year as I am in areas with many holes and the gophers tend to dig out and use the other holes and avoid the one with the trap. I may have to switch tactics and place the traps closer together.

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