Sunday, May 20, 2007

My aunts and the corral fence

After the Bibler garden tour was over last Saturday my uncles and aunts briefly visited nearby Lone Pine State Park. Curt and Cathy waited in the minivan while Larry and Diane took a short walk with me to an overlook where one can see the entire valley from Big Mountain to the north to Flathead Lake's northern end to the south.

On the drive home we stopped at the Super 1 grocery store for supplies. Curt attempted to buy a half dozen unique beer bottles for his friend's collection but was told they were only sold in a six-pack and not individually.

After returning home we ate lunch. After lunch Larry and Curt settled into more games of cribbage. Cathy suggested she and I check my gopher traps. We found one gopher in a leg trap. Cathy let me dispatch the gopher while she searched for a new hole in which to place this trap. She also helped me cover extra holes with dirt and she even put old dry cow pies in some holes to discourage the gophers from reopening the holes. With all the gophers Cathy helped me catch I am calling her my "Gopher Queen". Her daughter plans to visit me this summer. We'll see if she can take the title away from her mom.

After checking the gopher traps Cathy and I checked out the NE pasture and my fruit tree and garden area. The apricot blossoms are long gone but my other fruit trees have blossoms. Even my nectarine tree had a pink blossom. I was happy to see this tree made it as I bought it last Spring and it made it through the winter.

Cathy and I noticed ants on some of my fruit trees. After my relatives left I wrapped the trees and put tanglefoot on the wrap. That provides a sticky barrier to stop the ants. Cathy had other suggestions for my garden and trees. And here I thought Curt was the landscape/gardener! He didn't even come see my fruit trees and garden area.

Then both my aunts helped me add long poles to the top of my corral fence. The poles are to provide a visual indication to the cattle to not attempt to jump the corral fence. I couldn't have added the poles without my aunts. They held the poles in place while I nailed, then they wired the poles to the metal fence posts and chain link fence.

In addition to helping me my aunts had readied supper. While they were helping me finish the corral fence they had my uncles start the grill. (My only contribution was potatoes and green onions from my garden). After we finished the fence my aunts finished making supper. My aunts are amazing. Just as Ginger Rogers got respect for dancing with Fred Astaire - only in high heels and backwards - my aunts helped me with the fence and also made an excellent supper. I told my uncles they were fired as ranch hands as I had hired my aunts to work on the ranch.

We had an nice sunset and I took a photo of it and of my tulips north of the house.

In the evening we had a bottle of wine my aunt Diane bought and a bottle of huckleberry wine that I had. I also gave them a sip of the Thai Sang Thip whiskey that I have.

Since I contributed some of the alcohol I can't say they got me drunk so I would agree to lift the entryway sign the next morning so Curt could drive his RV off the ranch. They are all great relatives and good workers so I gladly lifted the sign the next morning.