Thursday, May 31, 2007

Cattle proofing the yard

Maybe I should have let my aunts mow my yard when they were here. I spent this evening finishing up with "cattle proofing" my yard. I have done this other years and you'd think I would have this down to as science. Nope. New year, new items to protect.

I found that the tiny Caragana trees I had planted along the fence by the road are growing. I guess giving them some water last year helped them out. After I weeded around them, I protected them from the cattle with a small fence. The same with some other transplanted trees that made it through the winter. More things to protect.

I did the same as before for the other items: my flowers and front shrubs, the tree growing under a pine tree (the cattle loved to eat its flowering branches), the shed for my well (the cattle loved ripping off its roofing shingles), my patio (nothing to eat here but the cattle being curious check everything out and make a mess), and miscellaneous other stuff.

It takes a half day to mow my lawn and almost a day to "cattle proof" it, and a few hours to "un" proof the yard. For what? A few days food for the cattle.

Yeh, I do it. Just to be different. It is now a tradition to turn my cattle loose in my yard each Spring. Who else can say they have cattle mow their lawn?

This will also be a test as too how the cattle behave outside of the corral. In the corral they can't get into mischief. In my yard I'll see how they behave. Tomorrow will be the test.

Time for bed now. Today I also rode my bicycle uptown to pay the last portion of the property tax bill. A nice day for a 22 mil ride but now I am paying for it. I am falling asleep at the keyboard.

'Night all.

1 comment:

Marty and Lisa said...

I could use one of those cows to mow my lawn. :)