Wednesday, October 11, 2006

More about my trip back to Montana

I thought of a few more comments about my trip back to Montana...

Aunt Diane made me a lunch so I only had to stop once and that was to put gas in my car (and use the restroom! ) Diane makes excellent sandwiches.

More trees were turning yellow in the Cascade Mountains this time than when I initially drove to Puyallup. It was dark when I drove through the Montana mountains so I couldn't see how the colors had changed.

Speaking of the dark... I kept my eyes open for deer on the roads in Montana. With all the trees, and with little traffic, I imagine there were plenty of deer out and about after dark. I certainly saw lots of red spots on the road where deer had been hit in the past.

The interstate exit on the Idaho/Montana border is 0. So I couldn't tell exactly how far it was across Idaho. Apparently it is 75 miles. Exit 0 is at the top of Lookout Pass. A long way up, then immediately a long way down.

After I arrived in Kalispell I could smell fresh lumber as I passed near the mill close to Hwy 2. It takes being away from the valley for a while for me to be able to re-smell the smell. I stop noticing the smell when I smell it each day. Today as I rode my bicycle on the same section of Hwy 2 I didn't notice the smell. My awareness is gone again. Too bad, as I like the smell.

In Washington state, after leaving the Cascade Mountains, I came across smoke and fire from a burning field near the interstate. A short way down the road I saw a helicopter lifting a bucket out a large river and then head towards the fire. I didn't get a photo of the helicopter and bucket.

Across the interstate - to the north - was another fire.

Lastly, a few photos of my drive through the Cascade Mountains.

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