Monday, May 29, 2006

Wet Memorial Day weekend

I feel like I am back in Minnesota on a Memorial Day weekend. It has rained today more than not.

This morning I had to get the binoculars out to see the cattle. They were at the far end of the north pasture. Even with binoculars I couldn't count them all. I was a little concerned about them as it has only been 24 hours since I let them in this pasture. With the river level very high I wanted to make sure none of them did anything crazy with the river and gotten hurt. With the recent cooler weather the flow seems to have peaked yesterday at 890 CFS, and actually dropped 8 CFS today. 882 CFS is still high as it is in the highest 20% range of measured flows for this time of the year.

Later during a break in the rain I put on overshoes and walked out to where they were, now around the trees in the middle part in the pasture. All 12 were taking their siesta among the trees. One however was standing in one of the holes where I burnt out a large tree stump. Just like a kid, has to play in the dirt. Many of the others stood up when I got near; "Now what is he up to?!"

After picking some small rocks the cattle's hooves had brought to the surface around the barn, I decided to go for a short bicycle ride. Darker blue clouds were to the west and north and I felt I could "get a few miles in" before the next rain. As usual I enjoyed riding and decided to go a little further, then a little further before turning around. I figured going towards the darker blue clouds to the north would help me gauge when it was about to rain. Surprise, the rain came from the west blue clouds. A little drizzle, but I was wet when I got back to the ranch.

After my ride I saw the cattle laying in the open area this side of the middle trees. The grass is tall enough I can't distinguish them and count them all unless I get close. While I think counting and recounting may ward off alzheimer's, I didn't bother to go out to count the cattle this time.

Our high temperature exceeded the forecast of upper 40s F. Mid 50s we reached. Woo hoo! I still started my wood stove this evening as it was cool and damp in the house.

I got a flyer to the annual Plains nursery stock sale today (late notice). I attended their sale last year over the Memorial Day weekend. The nursery is a wholesaler but one weekend a year they are open to the public. Even on a nice summer day the 100 mile (one way) drive is a bit much unless one is in the mood for a road trip. While I enjoyed last year's trip, this year I didn't plan to attend. But today I found out this year, unlike last year, they have nut trees on sale. Chestnut, walnut and filberts. All of which I had to mail order from an out-of-state nursery last year, most of which did not do well over the winter. I think only one walnut tree might make it. I had very good results with the bare-root trees and shrubs I bought at the Plains nursery last year, and might have made the trip if I knew they had nut trees this year.

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