Thursday, May 11, 2006

Early to bed resolution

So much for my plan to go to bed before midnight. My new resolution broken after one day. Last night I went to bed before midnight. Ergo, no post written last night. Tonight.. look what time it is!!!

I made my 'earlier to bed' resolution after forgetting I left the water running to the cattle tank yet again yesterday. Two times in two days! I thought: I'll fill the water tank while I feed the cattle bread. Doing only one thing instead of several; and feeding the bread won't take long, only minutes.

I was wandering in the south pasture looking, and looking, for that final pocket gopher trap when I suddenly remembered I forgot to turn off the water. I ran all the way home to find water overflowing the tank. *sigh* Between my forgetting yet again and being tired from that run I figured I should stop burning the candle at both ends and get more sleep.

It worked as today I remembered to turn the water off. Tomorrow.... we'll see after a late night tonight.

I returned to the pasture to search for the final pocket gopher trap. I set the traps just 24 hours previously; how could I forget where they all were?! Is it here... I remember looking for dirt hills here... nope. How 'bout here... I remember checking here. Nope. Around and around the pine trees I searched for that last trap. I retraced where I remembered walking the previous day. Hmmm... the tree stump is still smoldering. Finally I found the final trap. Empty.

Today I didn't make it out to check the traps. So after a late night tonight, and two days since setting the traps, will I remember where they all are tomorrow (later today)?

This morning while making breakfast I heard noise from outside my house. Going outside I found the electric company at one of my telephone poles. Two guys were checking it for rot. They had dug around the pole and now one guy was using a drill the size of a chain saw to drill a section of the pole to see if it was rotted. It wasn't. I have two poles in the yard. The other guy asked me the location of four other poles. They were on my neighbor's land across the river to supply electricity to his irrigation pump. I showed him where the poles went starting from the road then along my southern property line to the river and across. However his map ended in the middle of my property. The poles on my southern boundary were not on his map and he wasn't to check them. Odd. One would think their maps would be on road boundaries, if not property boundaries. Their map wasn't even on a section line boundary. It made no sense why the map ended where it did. *shrug*

That snow/graupel storm we had the other day did one robin in. I found it in front of my house.

Btw - after talking to Bob I learned my "pheasants" are really called partridges. I can't seem to walk anywhere without scaring up a pair of them. I must have more than one pair roaming around here.

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