Sunday, May 14, 2006

Warm sunny day on a lush lawn

Our weather is very nice. The lows overnight still go below freezing, but now our daily highs are in the 70s. 73 F Saturday with a prediction of upper 70s Sunday and maybe lows 80s next week. 80s will be hot!

Saturday I attended another auction. This auction was items from three estates. The items mainly were antiques, glassware and furniture. Nothing I was really interested in, but you never know what all they were selling. Since the auction was at the fairgrounds in town I rode my bicycle to check it out.

I arrived an hour and a half after the auction started. I only counted 24 people attending. Hard to have an auction with so few people. Not sure why so few people; maybe because it was a gorgeous day, maybe it was because it is Mother's Day weekend. Who knows?! Items seemed to sell cheaply and a number of items were not sold if no one started bidding at $2.

The only thing I was interested in was an old wooden croquet set. But it looked like it wouldn't be sold for another hour or so. Even at a probable very cheap price it wasn't worth sticking around for, and I left.

I decided I would attend the annual Family Forestry Expo held this weekend. I've meant to attend each year I've been here but something else would come up. The expo was at the north end of the valley; a number of miles away.

A gorgeous sunny windless day, and the road I took had views of all the surrounding mountains. The west mountains, lower, had no snow. But straight to the north, while the ski area was now closed for the season, snow still covered much of the ski runs on Big Mountain. To the NE, through the gap, the Glacier Park mountains were still all covered in white.

My route to the expo took me relatively near where I live and checking the time I decided to forgo the expo today. Sunday hopefully I can attend. Else, another year and another excuse as to why I didn't attend the expo. At least I got a 20 mile bicycle ride in on a beautiful day.

I dug my garden more today. 65% done.

I noticed this morning that one of my two pears trees has blossoms. Usually my apricot trees blossom first. One cherry tree looks as if it will blossom next. Only one of Bob's pear trees is blossoming. It is the same variety bought at the same nursery last year as my pear tree.

I visited with Bob and Jan. They had pieces of their old wood deck for me to use as scrapwood. They were starting up their underground lawn sprinklers for the first time this year. Jan and I ran around to check all the sprinkler heads for each section were working when that section was activated.

Bob waters and fertilizes his lawn well and he has a very nice lush green lawn. It was nice to sit on the lawn in the warm sun, talk, and sip a cool drink. I am not sure what Jan gave me to drink but after two bottles I had a slight buzz.

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