Saturday, May 20, 2006

River level May 13-20

As I mentioned in the previous post, the river level has risen rapidly the past few days. The temperature rose from highs in the low 60s F on May 13th, to the 80s F starting the 15th through the 18th. Todays high was 76 F. The mountain snow pack is really melting with these hot temperatures.

At 12:30 am on May 20, the stream flow was 690 CFS (cubic feet per second). As you can see, an above average streamflow

The automated tracking station is a few miles upstream from my place. The chart's stream flow is close to what I have, but my flow probably lags the station by a few hours.

The link to the tracking site is here.

Here is a screen capture of what the river flow has been the past week.

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