Monday, May 08, 2006

Slow day after a cold front

A cold front came through last night. Yesterday our high was 69 F and today's high was 52 F. Overcast and windy with occasional sprinkles of rain. Not a nice day.

Today I discovered I left my flashlight at the auction place. I had used it when tieing down my last load of wood last night. I must have set the flashlight on the ground. I went back today and could not find it. Somebody else must have found it. It was a nice flashlight. It looks like people are already removing some of the buildings as a very small one is gone and the building they conducted much of the auction from is missing half its roof.

The tulips on the south side of the house are all flowering red and yellow. Pretty. On the north side of the house the tulips are still forming their flowers.

Lots of robins this year. Must be because it is a wetter year?

The cattle had extra energy this afternoon. As I was putting away some of the stuff I bought at the auction the herd would run from one end of the corral to the other and back again. Back and forth and back and forth. What's going on?! But then they settled down and took their afternoon siesta.

Other than feeding my cattle and putting away much of what I bought yesterday, I didn't spend much time outside today. Instead I watched the last four episodes of the TV show, Six Feet Under. The DVD is due back at the library Tuesday so I had to finish watching the episodes. As they were the last four episodes for the third season they had plenty happening. A very good show, although probably not for everyone due to some of the show's themes.

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