Wednesday, March 01, 2023

More Winter weather

The last day of February was another Winter day.  

The weather forecast predicted maybe up to an inch of snow.  I woke up to, I believe, 4 or more inches of snow.  Even after I shoveled the driveway today I have this snow left to shovel.

Today here is one of my Winter snow piles.  When will it go away?

Our normal high temperature should be 40 degrees.  We struggle to get above freezing.  So, little melting is going on.  What did melt came back in this latest snowfall.  When will Winter end?!

Yesterday it was time to put out a large hay bale for the cows and another one for the calves.  I don't like setting the bale in the snow so I had to use the tractor to re-clear the latest snow.  When clearing the snow for the cow's bale a cotter pin came off (broke?) - that's a first - and I had to go find my spare cotter pin to help hold the bucket onto the tractor.

Also, with the cold weather the ice is barely melting.  Since the new bale is in the north pasture, that meant I had to go use my metal bar to break the ice in the river so the cows can drink.  A lot of work as the ice is still thick.  So thick I could stand on the ice as I broke it off at the edge.  At the end I had to jump off and onto the shore as the latest ice pieces broke free.  I made it.

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