Sunday, March 26, 2023

Little Beulah's calf, and more

Little Beulah's calf is something else.   A few days when I put out another large hay bale I also take some of the hay and make three or four little hay piles so everyone can eat at the same time in the beginning.   Little Beulah's calf took one hay pile for herself, and kneeling down, rubbed her head and neck in the hay pile and spread the hay all around.

This afternoon when checking on the cows and the hay I found the metal hay feeder empty and Little Beulah's calf inside the feeder.  How did you get inside the feeder?!!   I had to get inside the feeder and encourage her to climb back out.  She did without my help, after she somewhat hopped up and partially on the feeder side, and then wriggled over the side with some effort.

I also saw she is missing her ear tag.  She somehow ripped the tag out of her ear.  Well, Little Beulah's calf is a unique color so I doubt I will replace her tag by putting a tag in her other ear.  Beside, I doubt I could catch her in order to ear tag her.  She is getting fast now.

I later put out another large hay bale in the middle pasture this time.    While working on removing the netwrap from the bale one of the replacement heifers got through the fence so she could come over to the hay bale.   Argh!   Some of the other cattle walked along the fence line and wanted to also get through the three-strand fence.  I encouraged them not to.

Once the hay was unwrapped and dropped into the feeder I went over to the nearby gate to let the cattle through.  Most cattle walked over to the open gate to come to the middle pasture.  One of the replacement heifers didn't want to walk all the way and tried to go through the fence.  She didn't make it.  Now I have to do some fence repair work tomorrow.

I walked into the north pasture to encourage this replacement heifer and three of the calves to go to the gate.   Little Beulah's calf didn't want to go through the gate and veered off the other way when she got to the gate.  I then herded the other cattle to the gate to go through.  At the same time Little Beulah's calf went through the fence to get into the middle pasture.  She did.

Little Beulah's calf is a handful.

I rode 40 miles on my bicycle today as it was a nice day with little wind.  Three or so miles from my place I saw a ditch where the grass had been burnt.  I think it was done this Spring, but maybe last Fall?  This area had no snow in the fields. Odd, as I still have a good amount of snow in my field.  My ditches are snow free.  I'm eager to be doing something outside.  So I thought I would try to burn the grass in my ditches.  It didn't go well.  Taller grass would burn, but grass laying down or not so-thick grass didn't want to burn. I gave up.  I'll have to wait until it gets a little drier.

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