Sunday, July 18, 2021

Neighbors fence work, and moving the cattle

I about finished upgrading my southern neighbor's fence.  This afternoon I mainly fixed her corner section of her fence.  Last year a driver took out the corner section.  To fix it quickly last year I put in the railroad tie to replace the broken post, and put the corner post back in the ground.  It worked, but wasn't ideal.  Over time the corner post stared to lean slightly, and the fence started to sag in the corner sections. Who knows if this corner section was where Toby got out of the field last month.

I dug around the corner post so I could move it in order to put the boards back on between the posts.  That should hold the corner post in place, and stop or slow down the leaning and the fence sag.

I didn't start until late afternoon. After moving irrigation pipes after 7 am I went back to sleep and slept late.  I would have gotten up 45 minutes earlier but Rascal laid his head on my upper arm and was sleeping and dreaming.  First he had his head and neck across my arm, then he changed positions without waking up and laid his head sideways and on my shoulder along with his paw. When he stopped dreaming I encouraged him to wake up.  When I worked on the fence the temperature was in the mid-90s and the neighbor came out as she wanted to help me.  After a bit she went back in the house as the heat was getting to her. 

Working on fixing the corner section.


What I still have left to do is to add a few wire pieces to tie the field fence to the barb wire in sections like this one.

But the fence is good enough that I decided to let the cattle into her field.  And most of the cattle were in the south pasture near the gate.  The cattle saw me near the gate and quickly figured something was up.   After I opened the gates and let the cattle walk through to the neighbor's field Maria and #60, who were in the western half of the south pasture, saw what was happening and they came running.  Well, "running" as fast as they could as they both are fat, especially Maria.  Maria may only be able to trot, but she still moves faster than you'd think she could considering how huge she is.

As she gets older, the heat looks like it affects Beulah.  She shows her age and slows down.


Mama and her calf


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