Friday, July 09, 2021

Hayfield and hay bales

Photo of the hay bales in the hayfield tonight.

I took my broken baler belt into the John Deere dealership this afternoon.  They think they will have it fixed next week.  I also bought some air cleaners and fuel filters.  The old ones were dirty.  Probably why the tractor was acting slower.   Tomorrow I plan to cut Donna's field.  We'll see how the tractor acts tomorrow.  I drove the tractor and haybine over there tonight.  The tractor sounded good.

Several cows went into the middle pasture today.  I heard mooing early morning.  I let them be.  Quiet this afternoon.  In the evening I heard a little mooing, so two times I went and let cows back into the south pasture.  First time it was Speckles as she wanted her calf - still in the south pasture - to drink.  Big Red and Maria (naturally those two!) stayed in the middle pasture.  This time they had also brought their calves along with them.  At sundown they were kind of interested in going back.  Or was it Toby standing at the gate watching those two cows that was interested.   So I herded Big Red and Maria and their calves into the south field to spend the night with the other cows and Toby.  Tomorrow it probably is time to rotate the cattle into the middle pasture.

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