Monday, April 19, 2021

Another burn and then wind

Saturday, after Donna helped me put up the electric fence for the cattle, she helped me burn the rest of the one neighbor's ditch across the road.  The light wind was in the right direction for a safe burn.  Because the property and the ditch hadn't been burned since I can remember, the grass was thick.  So I raked a row between the ditch and property to clear an area of the dead grass.  Even though the wind was in the right direction, fire will go against the wind to burn.  Donna watched the cleared row in case the fire did want to cross it.  A few times the fire did but I was able to easily put the fire out at that spot.

The ditch is now cleared of old dead grass.  Even though I watch and clean the ditch of garbage people toss out of their vehicle windows as they drive by, after the fire I found several beer bottles and several aluminum cans.  I also found three short (20 feet or so) sections of barb wire, parts on the ground and parts in the ground.  I pulled the wire out of the ground and then got rid of them also.

Sunday afternoon a strong cold front came through.  The wind was blowing 33 mph with gusts to 46 mph.  I was in the middle pasture loading some recently cut tree trunk logs into the pickup.  I avoided driving near some of the standing trees as they were swaying and bending in the strong wind.  I didn't want one to break off or fall over on the pickup or me.  I'll see tomorrow if any trees fell due to the wind.

Here is a video of a metal lawn ornament by the house.  The wind really made the bicycle wheels turn.

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