Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Calf 15 - 80's

This afternoon another calf was born.  A heifer was born to renamed cow #80.  A first time mother.  The timing was good.  Nights are cool.  Last night it rained much of the night.  In the morning I saw traces of snow in the shade of several large trees.  But today was sunny and by afternoon it felt kind of warm.  So the timing was right.

By late afternoon the wind was blowing and a chill was in the air.  Near sundown, even though I was in the tractor and harrowing my middle pasture, it felt colder as we lost sunlight.  At sundown I walked the new calf into the roofed area by the barn.  I hope she stays in there tonight and keeps warm.  While the forecast is not predicting a record low temperature tonight for Kalispell, a low temperature in the mid 20s will be getting close.  Some day (hopefully next week as our forecast predicts) our temperatures will warm up to be April temperatures and not January or February temperatures in April.

I've been busy and lately have not gotten my 8 hours of sleep each night.  When ear tagging the calf it tried to move and stand up as I straddled the calf to keep it in place while I tagged her ear.  The calf is small but strong and I was a little tired.  So when the calf moved and tried to stand I was knocked over and off the calf.

Even though a first time mother, cow 80 seems to be attentive to her calf.  That is good.

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