Friday, November 16, 2018

Tractor cab repair

This Summer when I was cutting my field of weed hay I drove under one of the power line towers.  I can drive the tractor though/under the towers.  I can pull a disc or baler and drive through the towers.  But pulling a haybine is different as the total width is greater.  Technically I can fit but I only have an inch or two to spare.  So normally I don't cut hay under the towers.

However, I was determined to get all the pennycress weeds and forgot about how tight a fit it was.  I ended up scraping the top part of the tractor cab.  Where the antennae comes out of the cab is a slight bump and I scraped it open before I was able to stop.  I talked with my neighbor Curtis about this and he told me the hole could be fixed with a fiberglass repair kit.  It was on my to-do list for later.

When it was still warm the end of October Curtis helped me repair the tractor cab.  First thing we discovered was that the bump over the antennae was not cracked and twisted like before, but gone.  Hmmm... I vaguely remember scraping the cab on something else....   (It's been a heck of a year!)

I spent several hours that afternoon, and several hours the next morning searching the field and pastures for the broken off piece.  Couldn't find it.

We were still able to repair the hole - it just was more work.

But we fixed it.

Okay.  So it isn't as pretty as it was before.  Next year I can do some more touchup and paint work.  The important thing is that the repair will keep water out of the cab.

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