Thursday, July 27, 2017

Mowing yarrow

Late this morning I mowed some of the yarrow weeds in the middle pasture.  I can never seem to get time to spray the weeds and the yarrow has come to seed.  It may be too late, but the fastest way to prevent further seed development is to mow the weeds now.  And it mowing make it easier to later spray the remaining now ground level plants, as with my irrigating, the yarrow is not drying up and going dormant like it usually does right now.

The mowing also cuts some pasture grass around the yarrow, but the cattle don't really eat the tall grass right now as it is drier and tough, unlike the shorter and tender grass which they favor.

Half of the cattle walked the river around the fence and moved from the south to the middle pasture.  The rest of the cattle left in the south pasture mooed and complained until I opened the gate to let them into the middle pasture.  So while I mowed, for a while, a number of cattle gathered around to watch me before getting bored and moving on.

I cut one full gas tank's worth of weeds.  By then it was after 1 pm.   Starting today the county is under fire restrictions due to how dry it is.  No fires, and no off road use of gas powered engines between 1 pm and 1 am, other than for agricultural use.  While my pastures are irrigated and green, I decided to quit mowing after using one tank of gas, and on yet another hot day, take a nap in the afternoon.

I believe I have one more gas tank of mowing before I get all the yarrow cut.  Tomorrow - or the next day - as I already have a number of other tasks I need to do tomorrow.

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