Thursday, June 25, 2015

Well problem, day 8

Almost done.   I placed the pipe and foot valve in the well.  I have the pipe hooked up to the pump.  I have the pump wired.  I have tested the pump and it appears to work fine.  I ran water to clear up the rust.

What I have left: connect the pump up to the pressure tank, connect it to the pipe running to the house, and add a faucet for outside watering.  Doing this will be a puzzle exercise.  The old pump sat over the well casing as the input pipes were under the pump.  The newer pump has the input pipe on the end and the output on one side.  That limits where I can place the pump.  As a result the old piping needs to be modified as the newer pump is closer and higher than the old pump.  I can't use the main pipe as it is now too long.

Since I need to change the piping I decided to replace the pieces of pipe that are one size smaller than the main pipe and the pipe to the house.  I guess they ran out of pipe and decided to downsize the pipe in order to have enough pipe then up-size it when it got to the house black plastic pipe.

My uncles Curt and Larry know the challenges of working on the house, etc, around the ranch as they saw the challenges of the crooked walls and odd plumbing, etc. when we remodeled the house bathroom.   The well has its challenges.   The concrete well casing is uneven.  The north side is higher than the south side.  I ended up putting a board under the pump to make it more level.

The well house has a concrete floor.  It is uneven also. Before, the pressure tank had a lean.  I plan to try to make the tank level.   The electrical wire and the water pipe from the house come up through the concrete floor.  After the electrician rewired the pump house and added conduit through the pump house wall I cut off the old wire at the concrete floor.  The pipe to the house is fixed in one location.

The inside of the pump house is not that large.  Before, when accessing something in the pump house I had to take care not to hook, bend or break the pipe.  I plan to try to streamline the pipe.  We'll see how successful I will be with the parts I have.

Below is the new pipe that goes from the pump in to the well.  It is 1 1/4 in diameter and is poly pipe, or clear-coat as many call it.   The outside is blue and the inside is clear.

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