Saturday, June 20, 2015

Well problem, day 4

I thought I would have water today.  Nope.

Kyle, my well/pump guy, called early in the morning with an estimate for the submersible pump and other items and work.   $485 for just the submersible pump.  I was only half awake but that got my attention.  Kyle had three other jobs to do before he could get to my well.  That gave me think to think about it and I decided I was not to have a submersible pump.  Last year I had bought my livestock well's jet pump for less than $200.  Also two of my neighbors have used jet pumps they would sell me.

And if the submersible pump ever failed I would have to take off the roof of my shed to remove the pump from the well.  Not so with a jet pump.

The problem was my one neighbor with a pump was riding his bicycle on the Hiawatha Trail on Friday, and he and his wife were going to make a day and night of the visit and wouldn't be back until Saturday.  (I didn't learn the other neighbor had an extra pump until late in the day).

Kyle did have a heavy duty poly pipe for me.  The brass foot valve from my old setup was still good.  I also found a cap that fit in my metal well casing as it would be a good idea to seal it to prevent an animal from somehow ever getting into the pipe and water.

I also used an utility pump to pump water from the well most of the day.  Pumping quickly cleared up the rusty water from the pipes.

Yesterday when Wyatt looked at my shed's roof and the boards he told me he had a pile of old plywood he didn't plan on using.  I got some boards to use as the shed's roof.  Wyatt also had new plywood boards.  A batch of them were overheated when being made at the mill he works at and couldn't be sold.  The veneer is compromised but otherwise they are good.  He gave me one to use as the 'ceiling' in my pump's shed.  The board is an inch thick.  The thickest plywood I have ever seen.  Wyatt said the R value of the board is 11.

So I cut the board for the ceiling.  I had enough of the board left I cut the remainder into a circle and will use as a cover to the concrete casing part of the well.

I am so happy this happened in the Summer and not Spring, Fall or Winter.  That would have been much more difficult.

While I have water from my livestock well for most uses, I haven't had a shower in a long time and needed one... badly.  Friday night I used Bob and Jan's shower to clean up.   I was delayed going over to use their shower when I noticed the heifers hanging around the corral panels around the lone large hay bale I have left.  Seemed suspicious.

I have four corral panels in a square around the hay bale and the heifers pushed the corner of the square against the hay bale and were eating the hay through the corral panels.   I had to pound in the ground four metal t-posts to fix the square away from the hay bale.

I am going hiking on Saturday. Time for a break.  Sunday I hope to have the pump and water.

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