Thursday, November 20, 2014

Split corral fence rebuild

Once I finished rebuilding the corral's perimeter fence I started rebuilding the fence that splits the corral.  As you can see below the fence needed a lot of work.

I only got a little of the fence done before other chores/events took me away from fence work.  I did get the hard part of the fence done as I put in two gates, one at each end.  The old fence between the barn and the west corral fence did not have any gates. The only way between the two sides of the corral was via a gate east of the barn.  Now, with three gates herding the cattle between the two sides is so much easier.  Especially when the cattle want to stay on the west side of the corral.

I had hoped to get back to completing the fence this year but the recent cold weather put an end to that as the ground is frozen very solid.  In the meantime I am using corral panels to make a fence for the 60 ft I have left to fence.

In the time between completing the south corral fence and starting this fence, I got a few more log cuttings from the timber framing company.  I wish I had more of these exact log cuttings as, even though Tammy didn't like them, I think they look so cool.

The back side of the log cuttings.

I put in a gate at the west side of the fence.

When I took apart the old fence I had a few nails that were very hard to get out of the post.

Here you see why these nails were so hard to remove: long and ribbed.

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