Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Checking fences and moving cattle

Now that the cattle have been here for a few weeks and gotten used to the ranch it was time to move them to a new pasture.    First I had to check the fences.  While cattle may have been in the south pasture earlier this year, these are new cattle, and deer could have broken a fence wire or two.

Also, with the river level low (81 CFS) it would be easier for the cattle to cross river channels.  So I checked some of the little fences I maintain along the river.

Kind of hard to see the fence on the other side of the river.

Here is a good section of the fence.  Yes, it does keep the cattle in.  It may be short and only two strands of barb wire, but so close to the river bank they don't jump over the fence.

Over the years the river eroded some of the bank, and the tall grass growing and dying on the fence wire caused the fence to lean over towards the river in a number of spots.   Here is the fence after I moved some fence "posts" back from the river's edge.

The fence after I fixed it.

Now that the fences were checked it was time to move the cattle to the south pasture.

Daisy and the cattle were interested in one another.

Little "Whiskers".

Feeding time.

When I stood by the gate Momma knew what that meant: time for a new pasture.

After a couple of days it appears the cattle are behaving and don't have an itch to go exploring.

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