Friday, December 07, 2012

Corral well stand

It looks like I won't get my corral well up and working this year.  The recent warm days have been spent fixing the fence.  Now that global warming has quit again...  yup...  cold and snow.  Heavy snow.  Tammy and I bought a Cosco pizza at the end of our shopping today and due to the heavy snow, rush hour and s..l..o..w traffic the pizza was cold by the time we finally got home.  The good news was that we didn't slip off the road coming down from the ridge on the curving road.

Back to the well...

Since I last posted about the well...

I pounded three pipes into the ground.  These three pipes, along with one of the braces, act as a support for a platform for my pump.  I forgot to take a photo of the pipes in the well.

I added some "legs" to a board to make a platform as seen in the photos below.  The board was salvaged from my bathroom sink's vanity.

The platform fit into the pipes and make a solid platform for the pump.

I was in the middle of finding and assembling the pipes for the pump when I got distracted by the broken fence.   Now that the fence is done global warming has left us again and the snow and cold started and is forecast to continue for a week or so.  Working on the well in the snow doesn't appeal to me.

I had also been working on getting a few more cattle to keep Momma and Baby company this Winter but everything so far has fallen through.  Dan's usual sources for Fall feeder cattle didn't have the cattle this Fall.  The timing didn't work out on other cattle sources here in the Valley and their cattle ended up going to the livestock auction in Missoula before I had a chance at them, else they didn't want to take the time to separate out two or three cattle from the ones going to the livestock auction.  There is only one more livestock auction left for the year and most people have sold their calves for the year.  It doesn't look good.

The roof I built over the cattle feeder by the barn has also kept the hay dry from the snow in addition to the rain.

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