Monday, October 08, 2012

Shower tiling - shelves and accent strip

At the end of Monday Kevin got to the point he had hoped to get to by the end of Friday - that is, up to the accent strip.

The brace Kevin put in the wall on Friday worked - the bow out in the wall by the shower handle stayed in once the thin-set dried.

I fired up the wood store this morning.  I was fine with the temperature at 53.5 degrees in the house but Kevin said the thin-set needed a temperature of at least 55 to 60 degrees to set properly.

Todays challenges and goal were to put up the shelves and the accent strip.  Because the tiles above the accent strip are based off the accent strip location, and the accent strip is made up of a semi-free floating group of small tiles, the tiles above the accent strip will have to wait until tomorrow after the thin-set dries under the accent strip.

I had just enough accent strips.  Hopefully they never break as they are not sold anymore.  Kevin said the accent strips are made up of much smaller tiles cut from larger "reject" tiles that may have had size issues.  That may be why there were only so many accent strips for sale and now that they are gone from the store, they are gone for good.

I think these accent strips are perfect for this color and shade of tile.

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