Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Neighbor's trees: cut

Today my neighbor had his two damaged trees cut down.  He was worried some day they would fall on his garage, especially as one of the trees lost the branches on one side of the the tree when the second tree fell against it.  The remaining branches could cause the tree to fall towards the garage.

For $400 a tree service came and cut the two trees down.

They had a limited area in which to drop the tree - between the garage and road while missing the pile of logs from what had snapped off from the storm.  To ensure the tree fell correctly the tree cutters cut off all the tree's limbs prior to felling the tree.  One man climbed the tree trunk using spikes on his feet along with a chainsaw hooked to his belt.  As he climbed the tree he cut the branches.

Here is a 21 second video of a branch being cut.

When it came time to fell the tree the workers stopped traffic on the road. Right before they did a guy pulled in and stopped right where the tree was going to fall.  He was interested in the pile of logs and wanted to know if they were available. The owner had promised the logs for me so he quickly waved the guy in the car off so the tree workers could fell the tree.

11 second video:

The tree fell perfectly.  The top fell just short of the road.

The ground shook when the tree fell and its fall dented the ground.

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