Friday, April 13, 2012

Another livestock auction

I didn't go to the livestock auction on Thursday even though it was another big feeder cattle sale.  Dan decided to go to a car show in Portland, Oregon this weekend.  So he wasn't available to go to the Missoula auction as he was on the road to Portland on Thursday.

Since Dan wasn't going to Missoula, and I had a number of things to get done by this weekend, I asked my cattle hauler, Evan, (who also works at the auction) if he could pick up ten cattle at the auction for me.  He agreed that he could.  I gave him my specifications as to what I wanted to buy.

It was a big auction but I didn't get any cattle.    The lots of cattle being sold were either much more than ten or less than ten.  Evan said, that like the auction I attended, near the end of the auction there were a number of lots of three and four head - in hindsight enough to put together a herd of ten.  Just like when I was at the auction several weeks ago, Evan wasn't sure if there were more cattle and was concerned about putting together a herd of ten before the auction ended.

Evan also said a few big cattle buyers were at the auction and that the prices seemed to be ten to fifteen cents higher.  One buyer bought the majority of the cattle.  Evan said that the buyer doesn't usually attend the smaller non-feeder auctions where the amount of cattle being sold is smaller.  So I may have a chance to get cattle in the next few weeks.

I hope so.  I am ready to get cattle.

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