Monday, February 13, 2006

Tree trimming

The weather man predicts that cold weather is coming to ND. The high temperature by Friday is suppose to be barely above zero. Hmmm... time to do some outdoor work today while the temperature is still in the 40s.

Yes, there are trees in N. Dakota. Mom has a row of caragana, green ash, a pine tree and some Chinese elm trees growing along the property line. There are only two Chinese elm trees left as my brother and I have cut down the others over the years. It seems as if one doesn't abuse and really cut and trim Chinese elm trees they will die. Today my brother and I trimmed the last 2 trees down to the height of the neighbor's garage as they had been left alone the past few years and now were dying.

The tricky part was that several power lines and the cable TV line (which I accidently cut some years ago while tree trimming ) run to the house from the power pole in the yard's corner. From the following photo one can see the left Chinese elm tree especially leans over the lines, which is the reason these trees were the last 2 to be trimmed!

I had to trim the trees a few pieces at a time. First I extended the metal ladder to its full height (note, the ladder in the photo is barely extended), and standing near the top of the ladder, I used a pole saw to trim as high as I could reach. As the ground was snowy and slippery my brother held the ladder so it would not slip out from under me.

You know, even the tree branch that didn't lean right over the lines still fell on the lines. Argh! But it was a smallish tree branch and light from having been dead all year, and therefore bounced off the wire. Whew!

The second tree was more of a problem as it definitely leaned over the wires. To make matters worse the wind picked up, and no, the wind did not blow the branches away from the wires. I had to reach as high as I could and trim several of the branches to be as small as possible. Again the falling branches brushed the wires but to little effect.

Now for the bigger trunk. I used my brother's chain saw on a pole and went for it. The piece I cut turned out to be bigger and heavier than I thought and did not fall in the direction it was suppose to fall. When it hit the lines (naturally! *sigh*) it really shook them up and then came to a rest one end on the lines and the other end on the trees around me. Augh!

I used a large broom to push the branch off the trees and lines. The lines did not break, but I had my brother go in the house to see if we still had power. Yes.

Now to cut the tree trunk lower. Imagine my surprise and horror when the next section of the tree trunk fell towards the wire and brushed against it before falling to the ground. How did it reach the wires?!!! Again the wires jumped up, down and all around but did not break or lose power. Whew!

Somehow I was able to finish the tree trimming with no further excitement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I check this out every week. Good job on the blogs.

Your Friend in Sunny
San Diego +70 F