Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sex selection

Also... in looking around the internet I ran across some articles on sex-selection.

Recent data has shown an increase in the ratio of the number of male births versus female births in China and India.
"The Academy of Social Sciences in Bejing research times have found that in some parts of China there are 120 boys to only 100 girls because of Sex Selection - natural births produce a ratio of 105 to 100."
Japan on the other hand has shown the reverse.
"A report in October 2000 found that 75% of newly wed couples in Japan want their first child to be a girl."
And in the U.S.,
"This MicroSort service was first offered to clients at the Genetics and IVF Institute in Fairfax, Virginia; 10 of the first 11 babies born using it were girls."
However another study claims that U.S. moms are split 50/50 on whether they would like a boy or girl.

Still, another study has found that when times are tough, women tend naturally to abort a higher percentage of male fetuses. Hmm...

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