Saturday, August 12, 2017

Apples and pocket gopher

It is that time of year for apples.  For the past week I have been gathering fallen apples from several neighbors' trees.  The grass around my trees was tallish and until I looked closer, I didn't realized how many apples had fallen from my trees.  I thought I would take a few minutes Friday afternoon to pick up the apples that had fallen.  It took much longer than that.  I filled 8 plastic grocery bags full with apples.  After I gathered the apples I decided to mow the grass so I could easily see and pick up apples in the future.  The grass was much taller under the trees than what now remains un-mowed.  I raked up the mowed grass and tossed it over the fence for the cattle to eat along with several bags of apples.

I am still trapping pocket gophers.  With all my attention to the hayfield and south pasture I only just noticed a pocket gopher came in the area near my rhubarb and strawberry plants.  So far this pocket gopher prefers to fill the trap with dirt to going into it.  I've had to clear dirt from the trap several times Friday.

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