Thursday, December 10, 2015

Post, snow, hay

The past few days have been warm. It also was rainy.  All the snow melted and the frost came out of the ground.  Yesterday was nice and I worked outside.  I worked some more on the corral fence that I wasn't able to complete before it got cold and snowed.  I have a 27 ft gap to close.  I lined up the remaining railroad ties and boards I need for the fence.  I sharpened up the chainsaw and cut a thick board in half lengthwise to make two long boards.  Before it got dark I was able to dig a hole and place one railroad tie in the ground.  I now only have one tie left to put into the ground to complete the fence.

Today no work on the fence.  It started snowing before noon.  It started snowing as I left on my bicycle to run an errand.  I didn't expect it to snow as heavy as it did.  15 miles later I was back home safe and sound.  Lots of snow on the roads but I didn't fall or get hit by any vehicles.  I was wet from the wet snow that stuck to me as I rode.

Then I gave the cattle a few more small hay bales so I could get the tractor through the corral so I could move another large bale out to the pasture for them.  I decided to only feed them one large bale this time instead of two.  I found the hay I got through Dan is a little stemy.  Several days ago the cattle were in the corral one morning asking for hay.  When I checked their feeders I found both of them up to the ring with hay.  But it was stemy - they had eaten all the good stuff.  It took them two days to finish up the stemy hay.  With only one bale at a time that means only one day at a time of stemy hay for them to finish.

My racist black cattle allowing one red cow to eat from the end of their feeder.

The cattle are fat and happy.  Even Mama is the heaviest I have ever seen her.

Rose on the left and Mama on the right

I so like my tractor.  It made the hay move so much easier than pulling the bale behind the pickup.

I put each new bale in a different spot so one area doesn't get overdone with manure and leftover hay.  The feeder behind the tractor is in the previous spot.

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