Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Cow fight

This morning Mama and a black bronco-faced cow got into a fight.  I don't know what triggered the fight, but you know female cattle, they hold grudges and fight dirty.  Without calves the cows udders aren't producing, but notice each cow goes for the other's udder even though there is nothing to latch on to or drink.

Today I fed them small bales and they got into this fight at feeding time.  The longer they fought the more the other cattle could eat the hay and the less the fighting cows would get. Mama realized this as she was trying to quit fighting so she could eat.   So more than likely it was my racist Black cow that started the fight as she didn't want to quit.  I have two black bronco-faced cows and late afternoon one of them was moving slowly like she was stiff and sore.  Probably the one who was fighting earlier.

At the end of the video watch the black bronco-faced cow glare at Mama, the brown cow.

They fought for much longer than I recorded.  The video is 2:16 long.


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