Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Same old sob story

No work on the tool shed roof on Tuesday.  It rained overnight and was cold and cloudy Tuesday.  I found water inside the tool shed at the usual place.  While I have tarps on the roof, one tarp has a tear in it that I didn't notice the evening I put the tarps up.  98% of the roof is covered with new or old shingles or felt.  Where is the tear? Over the 2% of exposed roof.  Figures.

Wednesday is suppose to be sunny.  Then we will have four or five days straight of rain.  Figures.  All year it has been dry and I doubt we had two consecutive days of rain all year - until I have an exposed roof.  I have to move the irrigation pipes one last time Wednesday and that will take a while.  So I'll see how much I get done on the roof before it begins to rain again.

A cool damp Tuesday meant spending much of the day inside the house for once.  I found the house was chilly.  50 degrees F. Maybe more than chilly... cold.  So I prepared the wood stove and lit a fire for the first time this Fall.  Now it is warmer in the house. 70 F.   Tonight Daisy is laying by the wood stove instead of my lap.

If I 'disappear' for a while, blame my computer. (The tools shed 'gremlins' again).  The computer is acting up and a few times during the startup the computer couldn't read a disk drive and failed.  Today it had problems a half dozen times before the computer finally started up.  Then at times when I am using it the computer slows waaay down.  I'm trying to make my nine year old slow computer last until I get more outside projects done and there are Black Friday sales.

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