Monday, October 12, 2015

Grounding rod

Sunday I finished taking the electric wires down.  It took a little longer than I expected as one of the wires was grounded.  Lots of staples were fastening the wire to the pole, from the top to the bottom.  I had to take the fence apart to remove the lower staples.  The wire was even stapled to the pole below the ground.

Then I found the wire was fastened to a steel rod a foot below the ground.  I thought the rod would be three or so feet long.  I dug down three feet and still couldn't pull the rod out.

Hey, I have a tractor!  I used the tractor to pull the rod out of the ground.  The rod turned out to be eight feet long.

I found a small round metal tag on the old electric pole.  It was put there by Flathead Power back in 1952.  I imagine that is when the old electric wires I just took down date back to.

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