Friday, September 13, 2013

Skunked on Friday the 13th

I usually ride my bicycle in the evening as it gets dark.   It is cooler, there is very little traffic, and I can see the stars and moon.  Friday night I got a little later start than usual and rode in the dark.

When I got home Tammy complained I smelled of skunk.  My sense of smell is not good but... sniff, sniff... she was right - I smelled a skunk smell.  It wasn't coming from me, was it?  Yup. 

I then remembered that about a half mile after I turned around and began to ride back home I saw in the darkness what looked to be a black cat on the side of the road.

It wasn't a black cat.

I had been sprayed by a skunk.  But I had rode fast enough that I couldn't smell it until I stopped riding when I got home.

All my clothes are hanging on the clothesline outside.  I *think* the smell is coming from my shoes and socks.  I'll find out in the morning.   Tonight I took a shower and got the smell off me.

All these thousands of miles riding my bicycle in the dark and this was the first time I got sprayed by a skunk.

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