Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Winter on Wednesday

Winter is back! I woke up to a few inches of snow covering everything this morning. Today the temperature has ranged from the low to mid 30s F. So it has been a battle between Winter and Spring. It snows. It melts some. It snows more. It melts more.

Another sign of Spring are the semi trucks and trailers carrying seed potatoes from the potato warehouse down the road. I saw my first semi leave yesterday afternoon and just now another one came to get another load of potatoes to take to Washington State.

Late this morning an odd machine came lumbering up from the field across the road. It had an orange cab on top of two Caterpillar crawler-type of tracks. Other than for moving around in difficult terrain it didn't look too useful. It went down the road until it came to my gate where one man came out of the machine to open the gate to let the other man drive through. They must be with Bonneville Power as they followed the transmission line. They didn't stop at the towers but drove on following the transmission line. I must say, if this is their annual check of the transmission line, their timing is good as it is before the frost comes out of the ground and the grass starts growing. It has been annoying when in other years they drove over my hayfield flattening it.

Late yesterday afternoon I saw six whitetail deer out in my pasture. They ranged in size from large to small. It appears they have weathered the winter well. Supposedly the deer population is down in Montana, and I was starting to think the same for my area due to a lack of tracks in the snow this winter, but now I am not so sure as I see more deer every day there is less snow.

And the automated tracking station on the river is back working now that the ice has melted. The river has started to rise this past week from the melting snow.

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