Monday, September 01, 2008

Memories, rain, and delay

I'm tired. Stuff to do and stuff to go through. It is dull but also draining to go through legal and other documents when they are mileposts or interests in a loved one's life as they bring up memories and emotions.

On top of that I found a stack of my old Bicycling magazines from when I first got interested in bicycling 30 years ago. I didn't realize I still had them here. I am tossing half of the magazines out. I am keeping the very first few years of the magazines as I can't bring to toss them all out at this time. I still remember the cover photos from the first couple years of the magazine.

Rain. It rained today. Sunday we tied a record high temperature of 96 F. Last night a cold front came through and the temperature today only reached 56 F. Mom's neighborhood is slowly turning over from longtime older couples and widows to younger couples and families. Several of the younger families planned a neighborhood block party for this afternoon for neighbors to meet and get to know one another. Due to the cold and rain it was canceled.

I am still in North Dakota. I had planned on returning to Montana today but late Friday afternoon I learned I could get info and forms for mom's probate from the Clerk of Court and do some of it myself. After all, during my father's probate I found many probate forms were simple forms anyone could do and not need a $170/hour lawyer to fill out.

I arrived at the courthouse at 4:45 pm Friday and found it had closed at 4:30 pm. So I will wait till Tuesday morning. Today I found some probate info and forms online for the state of North Dakota and it seems as if I can fill out a form and start the probate process without a lawyer.

That means I won't drive back to Montana until Wednesday. This then will give me Thursday and part of Friday to discover what I forgot to do there in my rush to get to Minot before mom died, and to prepare for my cruise before I catch the train to Washington State Friday night.

So much to do, so little time. It will be nice when life gets back to normal.

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