Thursday, December 07, 2006

Leaving, weather, glasses

Hi. I will leave for North Dakota in a week to spend the holidays with my mother and brother. I will take the train again sparing me a 700 mile winter drive across the 2-lane Hi-Line in Montana. In the meantime I am getting ready to close up the place while I am gone.

One step was to suspend my internet access as it makes no sense to pay for it while I am gone. The bad news of the suspension is that it takes effect on my monthly start date. So right now I don't have internet access at home and have to reply on using the computers at the library. Oh joy! I back to being restricted to one hour of computer time each day - and you all know how wordy I am!

Today the Valley inversion is in full effect. It is so foggy I can't see "my" mountains. I need to see the mountains as much as I can to tide me over when I am away from them and in the flatlands.

Today's temperature is in the upper 20s and the road surfaces are wet, and muddy from the foggy wetness and melting snow. I rode my bicycle to town and now it - and me! - are filthy from the road spray.

I got my new pair of glasses yesterday from Walmart. I can see well without the glasses but they are to sharpen my distance vision and also in seeing at night. I was surprised how much the glasses sharpened my vision. It was noticeable, and dismaying. I thought I could see very well without them. I had only noticed a little trouble seeing at night when trying to read signs, etc.

When I was in Tacoma, Washington this past September I really noticed the fuzzy vision at night. I drove to my cousin Jen's apartment one night. I had never been to her place before, on top of only driving in Tacoma a few times when on vacation over the years, the last time being 15 or so years ago. My vision wasn't sharp enough to read the small street signs while driving and a number of times I missed the street I needed and had to backtrack.

With my new glasses missing street signs at night shouldn't be a problem. I also noticed the glasses helped with watching subtitled foreign films. I had trouble reading the subtitles in the past but put that down to watching the movies on a 25 year old TV. I watched a Turkish film last night and the glasses made watching the movie easier. *sigh* I really liked not having to wear glasses.

Initially putting the glasses on felt strange. Which was strange in itself as I had worn glasses 40 years before my cataract surgery in January. Less than a year of not wearing glasses and I forgot what it felt like. I kept thinking the glasses were sitting cock-eyed but the optometrist told me they were level. He said most people have one ear higher than the other. I never noticed that before.

All during my bicycle ride home I would look at things through the glasses and then without them. I was trying to see what kind of difference they made. Enough of a difference to make it worthwhile to wear them some times. *sigh*

The glasses are not bi-focals, and my near vision is good. So actually the glasses interfere and make fuzzy objects up close.

Glasses... *sigh* ...glasses.

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