Monday, September 23, 2024

Lights, shrubbery, Bigfoot

Today Donna's daughter, Kari, and her husband, Michael, came over for some yard projects at Donna's place.  They planned to fix/replace the tall yard light in Donna's yard.  It is old, the bulb went out a few years ago, and the bulb isn't made anymore.  Time for a new light.  The light is very high on a pole.  Too tall for most ladders.  Kari's and Michael's tractor was too small to reach the light.  I drove my tractor there.  Even standing in my tractor's bucket Michael was just short of reaching the light.  So we put a ladder in the bucket then he could reach the light.  He replaced the light, and now Donna has light.

Kari and Michael's dog, Max.

The light replaced, now it was time for the shrubbery.  If you remember from this Summer I had to chainsaw part of the shrubbery so the well's pump could be replaced.   The rest of the shrubbery was half alive and half dead.

The initial thought was to chainsaw the dead parts.  But it is hard to chainsaw this shrubbery.  And hard on a chainsaw if you remember how I had to replace my chainsaw's chain and blade after I chainsawed it earlier.  Kari and Michael wanted to remove the entire shrubbery.  They have a plan for new shrubbery next year around the well.

Instead of using a chainsaw, use my tractor.   Initially we hooked a chain to my tractor and one of the shrubbery's root and I pulled it out.

It was hard to reach or find other shrubbery roots.  So I used my tractor's bucket to push and lift and remove the rest of the shrubbery section by section.

There was a smaller shrubbery next to the driveway that was more dead than alive.  I used the tractor's bucket to remove that shrubbery.  I don't have any photos of that shrubbery.

I then used Michael's chainsaw to cut some low branches on other trees.

While I cut those branches Kari and Michael worked with their tractor to gather the shrubbery and pile it elsewhere on Donna's property.  Here is part of the shrubbery.  More to come.

When the chainsaw ran out of gas, I was done cutting branches. I could have put more gas in the chainsaw and cut more branches.  But we had enough cut.  Time for me to stop.

Some of the branches I cut were large enough to use as firewood.  I don't like wasting things.  So I took them home to cut for woodstove logs next year.

While we were working in Donna's yard Bigfoot watched us.

So that was my afternoon today.

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