Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Irrigation platform rebuilt

I got the irrigation platform rebuilt.  A good time to do it.  I'm not irrigating, the river level is low, and the weather is great.

As you can see the old platform was shot.

Before I rebuilt the platform I made steps in the side of the riverbank.  As you can see the bank is steep.  I was having trouble moving up and down on the bank and had to work hard to avoid slipping into the river.

The rebuilt platform.  It took a bit to do.  I had to come up with a new platform.  Fortunately I have a number of short boards.  And they were the right length and I didn't have to cut any.

My old platform had a few metal posts.  I moved two of them as the new platform is a little wider.   And I added two more posts in the riverbank to support this heavier platform.

The new platform is solid and wider and now it is easier to hook up the pipe that goes into the river especially as the filter on the end makes the pipe heavier and awkward to move.

How to support the platform?  Ah... the metal posts had a few holes in them.  And I had few scrap pieces of rebar that fit in the holes and was as wide as I needed.

After the platform was done I redid and moved a short simple fence from the irrigation shed to the river.  I had this fence to keep the cattle from accessing the riverbank here.  So the cattle wouldn't get to the pipe. And no need for them to be on such a steep riverbank.  And it worked over the years.  But this year a few calves got here.  Apparently they got over the log at the end of the fence.  So moved the end of the fence to where the log goes into the river.

And I spent some time removing more of the waterweed.  While irrigating I kept it away from the irrigation pipe.  But the waterweed doesn't stop growing.   It is easier now to remove more of it than in the Spring when it is colder and the water higher. 

Here is the waterweed before I started to remove some of it.

And there are some fish in the river.

Here are some smaller fish.  They are easier to see as they just below the surface of the water.

There were some water bugs walking on the river.  On occasion sometimes I heard a fish come out of the water.  Probably the fish came up to catch one of the water bugs.

And there was a dragonfly flitting about.

I'm glad I got this all done as the weather forecast is for rain over the next three days.

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