Thursday, August 29, 2024

Picking transparent apples

Donna said it was time for me to pick my transparent apples so she can make apple butter and apple sauce and whatever else.   Yesterday it rained most of the day, so after noon today, once the grass dried off, I went and picked the apples.

I didn't trim the apple tree last Winter so I had to use the two ladders to pick the apples as I couldn't climb in the tree.

Yellowjackets are a big problem this year and are all around the apples no matter where they are located.  On the left are the apples for Donna and on the right are the partially eaten by yellowjacket apples for the cattle.  I couldn't always see the apples as I picked them, and I got stung twice by the yellowjackets.  On the side of my index finger on one hand and on the thumbprint on my other hand.  Both spots still feel sore as I type this post.

These are only half the apples for Donna as I already filled the large box she dropped off for me to fill.

I also removed some dead branches that were getting in my way.

Donna will be by tomorrow to get the apples.

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