Saturday, August 03, 2024

Hayfield irrigation done. And Haynes.

This morning I finally got the last of the irrigation pipes out of the hayfield and into the pastures.  It took three days.  First day, the south line. The next day the north line.  This morning the extra line.  It is some work to do as I have to lift the pipes over the hayfield/pastures fence.   But I am happy to be done irrigating the hayfield.  Now all I have to do is to wait for the hayfield to dry so I can cut my hay.   The alfalfa is blooming to beat the band so it is ready to be cut.

I estimate I have 12 days left to irrigate the pastures before I am done irrigating this year.  I can't wait to be done.

This evening when I was moving the irrigation pipes in the middle and north pastures I heard a commotion.   It was Haynes.  He was pushing on the large metal feeder in the north pasture just outside the corral.  So, yes, it is Haynes that pushes the metal feeders around.  I never seen him do it before.   He puts a lot of effort into it.  And for a long while with break in between.  His tail was swishing wildly back and forth.  The dirt outside the corral slowed the feeder movement, but he still did move the feeder some distance.

When I was moving pipes in the north pasture he would stop and look at me.  His tail kept swishing and his head was held high.  I kept an eye on him as I moved pipes even though I was some distance away from him.  If he ever left the feeder to come my way I would be out of that pasture right away.  Haynes never left the feeder to come over to me and the cows and calves who were around me as I moved the pipes.  As I walked back across the middle pasture to open the valve and start irrigating the north line he watched me as I walked across the pasture.  He kept his eyes on me the whole time I walked.   When I was done I walked across the hayfield instead of the north pasture to return home.  I didn't want to be in the same pasture as Haynes as he seemed to have an attitude at that time.   He reminded me of the bulls in the bull riding events.  They have an attitude.  Donna loves watching bull riding.  I'm sure she would have liked to watch Haynes - from on the other side of the fence.

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