Wednesday, August 07, 2024


Here is a photo of the broken sprinkler riser on my irrigation pipe that was broken yesterday.  I have it halfway fixed.

I may be done irrigating for the year.  We'll see.  It rained again this morning, almost a couple tenths of an inch.  I think this is the third rainfall in the past week.  I was sleeping really hard but the thunder during the rain shower woke me up.  We may have had enough rain the past week that I don't need to irrigate the last quarter of the pastures.   And I am tired from moving the pipes twice a day plus the other stuff I am trying to get done each day.  I usually get up to move pipes by 7 am but this morning I didn't get up until 8 am.  Then I went out and turned the irrigation pump off.  I also undid and laid down the sprinkler pipes in the middle and north pastures.  I don't want the calves rubbing on them and breaking another riser.   At 9 am I went back to bed and slept solid until 2 pm.  That makes 12 hours of sleep last night.  I needed it.

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