Sunday, August 18, 2024

Haynes can fit through

This morning I found Haynes laying in the loafing shed in the corral.  He is able to squeeze through the headgate in the loading corral.

I let him be all day.   In the evening it was time to put him back in the loading corral and also to hookup the stock trailer and move it to the end of the loading corral next to the headgate.  Donna came over at 7:30 pm.  After she arrived we found Haynes already back in the loading corral.  He did it on his own.  He went through the headgate again.  The stock trailer is now parked and we are all ready to load Haynes in the morning.  I hope tomorrow goes as well as today.

This afternoon I found that Haynes had broken a corral fence board while he was in the loading corral earlier.  Thankfully he didn't squeeze out of the loading corral this way.  I replaced the broken board once I found a 9 foot long board.

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