Thursday, December 07, 2023

Roadside fence now rebuilt

Yesterday I finished the fence rebuild along the road.   It was a very nice day.  Warm.  Calm wind.  The snow we had earlier this week melted overnight.  I got on a roll and didn't stop.   The forecast is for snow and colder temperatures this weekend and next week.  I wanted to get the fence rebuild finished before something else takes my time and the cold kicks in and the ground refreezes.  It's December after all.

Late afternoon the day before I did preparation.  I found three rails and three fence posts and took them to the area.  With the warmer temperatures the ground is not as frozen.  The top was still hard but I could break through with a post hole digger and not have to use an iron bar to break though.  I got the three posts in place and installing the three rails then went smooth.  Usually on a good day that is all that gets done, but I had plenty of time left.

The three rails were 16 ft long.  I then had to find rails that would cover the 10 ft 4 inch section that was left.   And I did find three in my pile of wood.  I only had to cut a couple of inches off two of the rails.  It was a little surprising to find rails of this length.

I got the last rails installed and still had daylight and time to do something else.  Today I got three of the long strands of barb wire rolled up and put away.  I'll do the fourth strand tomorrow.   What is left for fence work is a little corner work, then to place wire 'fencing' on the fence.  I don't want the cattle to put their heads through the fence.  With their weight and strength (Haynes!) they maybe can break the rails.  I don't want to risk it.   I got two pieces of wire sections/panels from the pasture and drug them to the fruit tree area so I can work on cutting them to fit on the fence.   At least now, if the ground is frozen, I can still work on the fence as I have no more posts to dig.

The entire fence along the road.

Now I can breathe easier when the cattle are in the fruit tree area.

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